At the time of my last update, Charlene was sleeping on the opposite side of the couch from me, and I caught her once sleeping on the bed while I was still in it. She would sniff my hand if I extended it out to her, but I couldn't come any closer. She would follow me around the house so that she was in the same room as me, but still kept her distance. She attacked my feet a couple of times to get me out of bed, and she would steal socks and underwear.
So, what progress has she made?
Charlene has moved from the opposite side of the couch to sleeping as close to me as she can get without actually touching me. I can sit on the couch when she's on it without her running away, and I've even sat in front of her on it without her running away. When she's on the back of the couch next to me, I can put my face right next to her and she'll sniff me, without running away.
She routinely sleeps on my bed with me in it, and has even allowed me to get into bed while she was sleeping on it without running away. She happily joins my other cats on the weekend in rousing me out of bed for feedings. She comes up to me and sniffs my face while I'm laying in bed.
She follows me closely all around the house, and even though she still won't let me pet her, she gets close enough that I can sneak touches. She immediately runs off, but she comes right back too. She has gotten to be quite chatty, although her voice is very quiet. It is the most adorable thing I've ever seen/heard.
Charlene is very much a cat's cat - she loves to rub against my other cats, and bathe them. She would sleep with them if they let her. She would definitely be very happy in a house with other loving cats.
If you're interested in Charlene, please fill out an adoption application and contact HART.
Charlene is the cat closest to the camera
Also, if you haven't yet seen it, HART has a live video camera up in one of the rooms! It's really cool to watch the cats do their own thing, and it has night vision so you can see the glowing eyes at night. The username/password to log into the video is hart.
Sampson, my little buddy